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Notice of Teacher Certification

Dear Parents and Guardians:

The “Elementary and Secondary Education Act” (ESEA) gives you, as parents, guardians, and members of the community of Altruria Elementary, a Title I school, the right to know the qualifications of your child’s teachers. This information has to be given to you in a timely manner and you can request information regarding the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers and any paraprofessional providing support to your student. The information you are entitled to know includes the following:

  • Whether a teacher has met the State qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
  • Whether a teacher is teaching under emergency or other temporary status, where state qualifications or licensing criteria have been waived.
  • The undergraduate or bachelor’s degree major the teacher earned and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of study of the certification or degree.
  • Whether your student is provided services by paraprofessionals and their qualifications.

Altruria Elementary, as a Title I school, is required by the federal law to hire teachers who are highly qualified. This means all teachers hired at Altruria must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and have passed state mandated assessments showing they are competent in the academic subjects they teach. Most of our teachers exceed this qualification and hold graduate degrees beyond their bachelor’s degree. Newly hired paraprofessionals meet the requirements set for them by the state.

For additional information regarding a specific teacher’s qualifications,

you may refer to the Tennessee Department of Education, Teacher

Licensing Web Site: