Parking Lot Update

Altruria Families,


The Deermont parking lot will not be available yet, per the City of Bartlett, for our use during arrival and dismissal.

  1. Parents may park on Deermont Drive, on Crossing Cove, and on side streets off Deermont Drive.
  2. You may use the parking lot at Grace Presbyterian Church.
  3. Bartlett Police Department will be helping as much as possible. (BPD has posted information about this situation on their social media sites.)


Please be patient and kind as we work through this situation. I know you will help in any way you can. Please walk your child in and leave so others may get parked. My staff will do anything that we can to assist you. They are fabulous!!! Together we will get through this. You are the BEST!!!


Thank you,

Ms. Johnson